How Small Changes to your Office Layout Maximises Productivity

It is a notoriously difficult task to achieve a working environment that suits everyone. Factors such as privacy, temperature, noise and colour in an office space can affect different individuals productivity in different ways. Fortunately, by stepping back and looking at the basics of human nature and interaction, we can identify small changes in office layout which can satisfy basic human needs, and should improve the daily work lives of the majority of your employees.

Although togetherness and collaboration can be a powerful tool for creativity, this needs to be balanced with the option for privacy. The need for privacy is as much a need for humans as is interaction, and not enough of it can dramatically decrease wellbeing, creativity and productivity.

A recent study on ‘The State of the Global Workplace’ by Gallup found that 63% of workers are disengaged, unmotivated at work, being unlikely to invest effort in organizational goals or outcomes.

This highlights the effect that office layout can have on employee productivity and well being. Whether you are looking to bring new life to your existing office or create an inspiring layout for your new office space, finding the right balance of collaboration and privacy is essential. We will go through a few simple organisational strategies that can help you to find this balance within your office environment.

Group your spaces – create zones

A great way of creating organisation within your workspace is by breaking it up into zones. These zones could be based around function such as filing spaces or meeting rooms or department with areas for various teams within your employ. This helps to promote team culture and enhance collaboration. Things to consider:

Quiet zones

Communal work areas

Lounge areas

Outdoor spaces

Training areas

Make sure to create different types of spaces for different types of work

Alongside your zoning, make sure to create different types of areas that your employees could move between depending on the work they need to carry out. For example, a large open communal space is great for group meetings but not so much for individual working. Smaller rooms or individual pods that are at an individual scale and are available to your employees to use when needed can help to satisfy the balance between collaboration and privacy. Things to consider:

Work pods

Open plan vs individual rooms

Dedicated media rooms

Lounge areas

Formal desks

Allow for personalisation

Don’t be overly precious about your office environment. Employees will respond better to their environment if they are allowed to personalise their spaces and make it their own. This could range from posters, pictures or colour on the walls to options for sitting or standing at their desks or moving their work place layout around so that they get the light levels that they want. Individuals need different things, so introduce changes that can be made at an individual level. (to an extent of course!) Things to consider:

Standing desks

Pin board walls

Light, moveable furniture

Customisable lighting

Individual temperature control

Add unique and interesting touches

Bring the culture of your company into your office environment by bringing in interesting touches that are unique to your company. Whether you fill your office with plants, have unique lighting or even bring in treadmills for lunchtime work-outs, take what makes your business what it is and bring that to your employees. This will create a sense of belonging within your employees, breed a happy office culture and create inspiring spaces.

A recent study by Steelcase found that of the 11% of workers who were satisfied with their working environment,

98% could concentrate easily

97% felt like they could freely express and share ideas

95% could work in teams without being interrupted

88% could choose where to work within the office, based on their task

95% felt relaxed and calm

97% felt a sense of belonging to their company and its culture

Making the layout of your office work for your employees can have dramatic effects on their wellbeing, productivity and creativity. If you are thinking about an office remodel, or you would like to optimise the layout of your new office space then consult a professional office mover to advise you on how best to organise and facilitate your move.

Business Relocations – Auckland’s expert office movers 

At Business Relocations, we have been looking after the commercial moving needs of New Zealand Businesses since 2001. To discover more about our company and how we could help you with your next office move or re-model, get in touch with us today either online or over the phone on 0800800247.